I am a woman who runs with the wolves

After decades of collapsed boundaries
Swept away in the tides
of consensus cultural trances
The wild beast inside is provoked
Beyond the overly tamed postures of
and conditioned pleasantries

She arrives
A protectress against that
which is not love

The crimson tide rises
The spirit of the wolf awakens

The wrathful friend
Emerges on the charnal grounds
Of broken arrows
And broken mirrors

And broken clocks who’s gears
turn no more

Destroying delusions
Slaying death eaters
Shocking awake fragmented souls
frozen in fear

Saying ‘HEY
Do not stay silent or complicit
in the death of your soul

Find the wisdom of the beast within
To know the friend that lays at your feet
Loyal and devoted to a knowing
That runs deeper than ideological prisons
Trapped in chains of memory
Released in the presence of
This instinctive, fanged
alchemical love’

Primordial mother wolf
Sets me free
howls in solidarity with my belly song
Liberating the unmetabolized grief and rage and horror til it returns
to bright scarlet ruby red
Engrossed in the flames that dissolve
illusory grasping

Into A Passionate
Life-giving love

Photo @wakingcrow
